hopeschepp@gmail.com (970) 317-1995 434 Turner Dr, Ste 3, Durango, CO, 81303

As Republicans

As Republicans, we believe in the principles and values set forth in the United States Constitution. The Constitution is the foundation of our country and the document that guides our laws and government. It is a timeless document that has stood the test of time and has been a model for democracies around the world.
One of the fundamental principles of the Constitution is the protection of individual liberties. Our Founding Fathers recognized that the government should be limited in its power and that individuals should have the freedom to pursue their own interests without interference. The Constitution's Bill of Rights specifically outlines these individual liberties, including freedom of speech, religion, and the press, as well as the right to bear arms and due process of law.
Another key principle of the Constitution is the separation of powers. The Constitution divides the federal government into three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial. This separation of powers ensures that no one branch becomes too powerful and that each branch acts as a check and balance on the others. This prevents any one branch from becoming tyrannical and helps to maintain a system of limited government.
We also believe in the importance of federalism, the system of government in which power is shared between the federal government and the states. The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution explicitly states that powers not delegated to the federal government are reserved for the states. This ensures that the states have a significant role in governing their own affairs and that the federal government does not become too powerful.
Finally, as Republicans, we believe in the importance of the original intent of the Constitution. The Constitution was written by our Founding Fathers with a specific purpose in mind: to create a government that was limited in its power and that protected individual liberties. We believe that the Constitution should be interpreted as it was originally intended, and that judges and lawmakers should not use their own personal biases to interpret the Constitution in a way that goes against its original intent.
We hold the United States Constitution in high regard. It is a timeless document that has stood the test of time and has been a model for democracies around the world. We believe in the principles of limited government, individual liberties, separation of powers, federalism, and the original intent of the Constitution. We will continue to fight to preserve these principles and ensure that the Constitution remains the foundation of our great country.