hopeschepp@gmail.com (970) 317-1995 434 Turner Dr, Ste 3, Durango, CO, 81303


Amended and Restated Bylaws of the La Plata County Republican Central Committee

Amendments Adopted: January 8, 2015

The name of the organization shall be the La Plata County Republican Central Committee.


The primary purpose of this organization shall be to identify and elect Republican candidates to office, to perform the functions set forth in the election laws of the State of Colorado, and to uphold the Republican Party principles as reflected in the local, State and National platforms.


3.1 All applicable provisions of the Colorado statutes and election laws shall be part of these bylaws, shall take precedence and control in the event of any conflict, and are incorporated herein by reference.

3.2 All reference to male includes the female, and the masculine pronoun includes the feminine.

3.3 No candidate for designation or nomination for public office shall be endorsed, supported or opposed by the CENTRAL COMMITTEE Executive Committee (acting individually or as an entity) or by its elected or appointed officers or committees (acting individually or as an entity), before the primary, unless such candidate is unopposed in the primary.


4.1 Membership in the Central Committee shall be composed of voting and non-voting members.

a. The voting members of the Central Committee shall be: The Executive Committee, as defined in 5.1 of these Bylaws;

Precinct Committee Persons (herein referred to as “PCPs”); and
 If in attendance in person at any meeting at which voting by the members occurs, the elected Republican La Plata County and/or Colorado State officers, representatives, commissioners, congressmen, and other officials currently in office and who reside in La Plata County shall be entitled to special voting member status.

b. Non-voting members of the Central Committee shall be:

All appointed members of the standing committees who are not otherwise eligible to vote;

The Chairman and Vice Chairman of each of the Third Congressional District, the Sixth Judicial District, the Sixth Senatorial District, and the Fifty-ninth Representative District Central Committees of the State of Colorado; and any other interested person who is a registered Republican and resides in La Plata County.

4.2 Non-voting members shall have all privileges, rights and duties of voting members, except that they may vote only when acting as proxies for voting members.

4.3 All members shall reside and be registered as Republicans in La Plata County as shown by the registration books of the La Plata County Clerk and Recorder.


5.1 Membership

The Executive Committee shall consist of: (i) the Officers, as defined in 5.2, and (ii) not more than four (4) members at large nominated by the Chairman and voted on by the Central Committee.

5.2 Officers

a. The elected officers of the Central Committee shall be a Chairman, a First Vice Chairman, a Second Vice Chairman, if any, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The foregoing persons shall together constitute the Officers of the Central Committee, and such elected officers shall assume their duties at the close of the organizational meeting, and shall serve for a term of two years or until their successors are elected.

b. The Second Vice Chairman shall be nominated by the Executive committee, at its discretion. The nomination will be submitted to the Central Committee for a vote at its next following meeting.

c. The Executive Committee may appoint and select such other officers to act for and on behalf of the Central Committee.

5.3 Duties

The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to:

a. Attend all Executive Committee and Central Committee meetings;

b. Ratify and adopt the proposed two-year budget for the Central Committee by July 1 of each odd-numbered year;

c. Develop and adopt such working rules and regulations as it deems necessary;

d. Determine vacancies as described in 5.7 of these Bylaws, and decide by two-thirds vote if sufficient evidence exists to declare a vacancy in an elected office, for cause, “cause” being defined as ineligibility for office, because of permanent absence, failure or refusal to perform functions, or permanent disability;

e. Train precinct caucus chairmen; and

f. Conduct such other functions on behalf of the Central Committee as the voting members may determine.

5.4 Duties of the Officers

a. The Chairman shall:

Be the chief executive officer of the Central Committee;

Issue the call and preside at all meetings of the Central Committee;

Observe and enforce these Bylaws and the rules of the Central Committee;

Be custodian of all funds, books, papers, records and proceedings of the Central Committee and the La Plata County Assembly (herein referred to as “the County Assembly”), and report to the Executive Committee when and as the Executive Committee requires;

Appoint necessary staff members, all standing, ad hoc, and special committees;

Be an ex-officio member of all committees;

Within ten (10) days after the adjournment of the organizational meeting of the Central Committee, the Chairman and the Secretary shall file with the State Central Committee and the Secretary of State a list of officers and vacancy committees (as required by the Secretary of State and the Colorado Republican Committee) of the Central Committee;

Submit a proposed operating budget for the Central Committee to the Executive Committee by June 15 following his election, for a period of two years from July 1 of the odd-numbered year to June 30 two years hence;

Make arrangements for the County Assembly; and

Preside over the County Assembly or designate a presiding officer.

b. First Vice-Chairman shall:

Exercise the functions of the Chairman in his absence, during his inability to perform, or at his request;

Serve as a member or chair of the Public Relations/Media Committee; and

Perform such other duties as the Chairman may prescribe.

c. The Second Vice Chairman, shall:

Exercise the functions of the Chairman if the First Vice-Chairman is authorized to do so and is absent or is unable to perform such functions;

Exercise the functions of the First Vice Chairman in his absence, during his inability to perform, or at his request;

Serve as member or chair of the Event/Social Committee;

Serve as member or chair of the Fundraising Committee; and

Perform such other duties as the Chairman may prescribe.

d. The Secretary shall:

Prepare and keep minutes of and record all Central Committee and Executive Committee proceedings and meetings, including with respect to any resolutions adopted or other voting activities held during such meetings;

Prepare and keep a current list of all voting members of the Central Committee, including all contact information;

Have ready for the convening of each County Assembly a temporary roll of the delegates entitled to participate (prepared from the list provided by the Credentials Committee of uncontested delegates);

Prepare and verify all credentials for delegates and certificates showing designations made by the County Assembly; and

Perform such other duties the Chairman may prescribe.

e. The Treasurer shall:

Be the chief financial officer of the Central Committee, and shall receive and disburse all funds of the Central Committee and make a complete record of all financial transactions of the Central Committee. The receipt and disbursal of all Central Committee funds shall be at the direction of the Executive Committee;

File with the appropriate authorities all financial statements and reports required by state and/or federal law; and

Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Chairman.

5.5 Meetings

a. Regular and special meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at such locations, on such dates, and at such times as determined by the Chairman, and reasonable notice thereof shall be provided to all members of the Executive Committee.

b. The quorum for any meeting of the Executive Committee shall be at least 60% of its members.

c. No actions shall be taken with less than a majority of the members of the Executive Committee present.

5.6 Removal

a. Any elected officer of the Central Committee may be removed from office at any time and at any meeting of the members duly called for such purpose, for cause, (herein defined in 5.3.d.) by a vote of three-fifths of the entire voting membership of the Central Committee eligible to vote in accordance with Article IV, Section 4.1.a. of these Bylaws.

b. Notice (herein defined in 7.6) giving the time, place, and purpose of this meeting shall be sent to each voting member at least fifteen (15) days before the meeting.

c. PCPs may be removed from their position for cause, as defined in these Bylaws in Section 5.3.d, by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee.

d. Any other officer of the Central Committee appointed by the Executive Committee pursuant to Section 5.2.c, may be removed from office at any time with or without cause by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

e. The action of the Central Committee with respect to any of the above-referenced removals shall be final.

5.7. Vacancies

a. A vacancy in an elected office of the Central Committee shall be determined in accordance with 5.3.d of these Bylaws.

b. Upon the occurrence of a vacancy in an elected office of the Central Committee, the standing Vacancy Committee of the Central Committee shall recommend a replacement to the Executive Committee. Upon making such recommendation, a majority of the members of the Executive Committee and the Vacancy Committee shall be authorized at any duly-called special meeting of such members to fill the vacancy by appointment, and otherwise in accord with Colorado Election Laws (1-3-103(1)(c)).

c. Vacancies occurring in any appointive office of the Central Committee shall be filled in the same manner as the appointment was originally made.


6.1 Nominations

a. Candidates for Chairman, First Vice Chairman, Second Vice Chairman, if any, Secretary and Treasurer shall be nominated and seconded from the floor at the organizational meeting of the Central Committee.

b. Nominations (and seconds) for any office may be made by voting and/or non-voting members of the Central Committee attending the meeting in person.

6.2 Elections

a. Officers shall be elected by majority vote of the voting members of the Central Committee who are present in person or by proxy.


7.1 The organizational meeting of the Central Committee shall be held between the first and fifteenth day of February of the odd-numbered years. Its purpose shall be: (i) to elect the officers for the Central Committee, (ii) to select a County Vacancy Committee for the purpose of filling vacancies, if any, in the office of county commissioner held by members of the Republican party, (iii) to select a separate Central Committee Vacancy Committee, and (iv) to conduct such other business that may properly come before it. (Colorado Election Laws 1-3-103 (1)(c))

7.2 Meetings of the Central Committee, either regular or special, shall be held at a time and place designated by the Chairman or upon the written request of at least one-third of the voting members.

7.3 The official call or notice of the organizational meeting shall be sent (herein defined in 7.6) to all Central Committee voting members at least fifteen (15) days prior to such meeting to the last known contact information or data address of each voting member on file with the Central Committee Secretary. Notice of any meeting where amendments to these Bylaws are to be presented, must be sent at least thirty (30) days prior to such meeting. (See Article XIV regarding Bylaw amendments.) Notice is considered duly served when sent. For all other meetings, either regular or special, the official notice shall be sent to voting members at least seven (7) days prior to such meeting. The foregoing notices may also be sent to non-voting members at the discretion of the Chairman.

7.4 Those members present and voting at any Regular or Special Meeting of the Central Committee shall constitute a quorum, so long as due notice has been given in accordance with these Bylaws. A majority of the votes cast by the members present and voting shall decide any matter, except as otherwise provided and except where there are more than two (2) choices as to a particular matter, in which case a plurality of the votes cast shall decide the matter, or except as otherwise specified in these Bylaws.

7.5 Regular meetings of the Central Committee shall be held at least once during each quarter of the calendar year, and may be held as often as once each month or at such other intervals as the Chairman may otherwise deem necessary or appropriate. The meetings shall be held on the first Thursday of the month unless a change in such date is determined by the Chairman as necessary or appropriate.

7.6 Notice means all accepted contact and/or correspondence of the day, and applies to all meetings requiring notice under these Bylaws.


8.1 Voting for the elected officers of the Central Committee (unless the position is uncontested) shall be by signed ballots cast by the voting members, voting in person or by proxy. All other voting actions by the Central Committee shall be by voice vote or show of hands, unless a roll call or division of the house is requested.

8.2. A person holding multiple offices in the Central Committee shall not be entitled to more than one vote, excluding valid proxies held by such person.

8.3 Any voting member who wants to vote by proxy shall designate his proxy on a written form approved by the Secretary, which shall be dated, signed, and witnessed.

8.4 The proxy shall apply only to a single meeting, and shall be submitted to the Secretary for acknowledgment and recognition prior to the proxy vote being cast.

8.5 The individual designated as a proxy shall be either a voting member of the Central Committee or a registered Republican residing in La Plata County, and may vote as such proxy only if the principal is absent at the time of the vote.


9.1 The standing committees for the Central Committee shall be: Fundraising, Publicity/Media, Events/Social, Candidate Search, Membership/Volunteer Coordinator, Central Committee Vacancy, County Vacancy, Bylaws, and Strategy.

a. Standing Committees. All members of standing committees of the Central Committee shall be appointed by the Chairman, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Chairman, unless these Bylaws provide otherwise.

b. Vacancy Committees

The Central Committee shall select at its regular organizational meeting (Article VII, Section 7.1), a County Vacancy Committee, from nominees presented by the Executive Committee. This committee shall consist of no more than 7 people, and shall include the Chairman, Vice Chairmen and Secretary. The committee exists for the purpose of identifying and interviewing candidates for and filling vacancies in the office of La Plata County Commissioner held by members of the Republican Party. (Colorado Election Laws 1-3-103 (1)(c))

The Central Committee shall also select at its regular organizational meeting (Article VII, Section 7.1), a Central Committee Vacancy Committee, from nominees presented by the Executive Committee. This committee shall consist of no more than 7 people, and shall include the Chairman, Vice Chairmen and Secretary. The committee exists to fill vacancies in the Central Committee and the offices held by members of the Central Committee, pursuant to Section 5.7.b, above. (Colorado Election Laws 1-3-103 (1)(c))

c. Ad hoc and Special Committees. The Chairman may from time to time establish one or more ad hoc or special committees and appoint members and chairs thereto as deemed necessary or appropriate to carry out the duties, functions, and other activities of the Central Committee as prescribed by these Bylaws, the bylaws of the State Republican Central Committee, and the Colorado Election Laws.

d. The Bylaws Committee shall consist of at least 5 members.


10.1 Qualifications: A duly registered member of the Republican Party residing in that precinct, and who is eligible to vote;

10.2 Election: At the precinct caucus pursuant to Article XI;

10.3 Disqualification and Removal: Removal by the credentials committee at the Republican County Assembly, the person does not meet the qualifications for PCP, and/or removal by the Central Committee;

10.4 Vacancy: Any vacancy shall be filled in accordance with these Bylaws;

10.5 Duties: The duties of the PCPs shall also include the following:

(i) endeavor to attend all Central Committee meetings

(ii) serve on standing or other committees for the Central Committee, and

(iii) serve as liaisons with the registered Republicans residing within their precinct


11.1 Precinct caucuses for La Plata County Republicans shall be held in a public place or in a private home that is open to the public during the caucus in or proximate to each precinct within the County at a time and place to be fixed by the Central Committee or the executive committee of the Colorado State Republican Central Committee, on the third Tuesday in March in each even-numbered year. However, in a year in which a presidential election will be held, the Republican Party may, by decision of the Colorado State Republican Central Committee, hold its precinct caucuses on the first Tuesday in February. The committee shall notify the secretary of state and the clerk and recorder of each county in the state of the decision within five days after the decision. (Colorado Election Laws 1-3-102 and 1-4-602)

11.2 The total number of Delegate and Alternate positions shall be allocated proportionately to each precinct based on the vote in each precinct for the Republican candidate for President or Governor in the preceding general election; provided, however that a minimum of one Delegate and one Alternate shall be allocated for each precinct. In addition to the number of Delegates and Alternates allocated for each precinct, each member of the Executive Committee shall be a Delegate to the County Assembly, barring any conflicts.

In order to vote at any precinct caucus, the elector shall be a resident of the precinct for thirty days, shall have registered to vote no later than twenty-nine days before the caucus, and shall be affiliated with the Republican Party for at least two months as shown on the registration books of the La Plata County Clerk and Recorder; except that any registered elector who has attained the age of eighteen years or who has become a naturalized citizen during the two months immediately preceding the caucus may vote at the caucus even though the elector has been affiliated with the Republican Party for less than two months.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, an elector who moves from the precinct where registered during the twenty-nine days prior to the caucus shall be permitted to participate and vote at the caucus in the precinct of the elector’s former residence but shall not be eligible for election as a delegate or for nomination as a PCP in the former precinct. (Colorado Election Laws 1-3-101)

11.3 Caucus Procedures

a. The precinct electors shall first select a chairman and secretary for purposes of overseeing and recording the activities at the precinct caucus.

b. Electors and candidates must be present at the caucus. (No proxy or absentee voting.)

c. The participants at the precinct caucus shall also elect two PCPs who will serve for a two-year term, and who may also serve as delegates to the County Assembly. If there is no contest, the election for the PCPs may be concluded at this time by motion and show of hands, and be so recorded. If there is a contest, written ballots will be cast.

d. Any person eighteen years of age or older may be a candidate for the office of PCP if he or she has been a resident of the precinct for thirty days and has been affiliated with the Republican Party for a period of at least two months preceding the date of the precinct caucus; except that any person who has attained the age of eighteen years or who has become a naturalized citizen during the two months immediately preceding the precinct caucus may be a candidate for the office of PCP even though he or she has been affiliated with the Republican Party for less than two months as shown on the registration book of the La Plata County Clerk and Recorder.

e. The two people receiving the highest number of votes at the caucus for PCP shall be elected as the PCPs of the precinct. If two or more candidates for PCP receive an equal and the second highest number of votes (i.e., a tie for the second position), or if three or more candidates receive an equal and the highest number of votes (i.e., a tie for both positions), the election shall be determined by a repeat ballot containing the names of all those who tied. If there is a deadlocked vote after 3 additional ballots, the election shall be determined by lot by those candidates.

f. All disputes regarding the election of PCPs shall be forwarded to and promptly adjudicated by the Executive Committee.

g. The names of the PCPs elected shall be certified to the County Assembly by the officers of the caucus and/or the Secretary of the Central Committee. The County Assembly shall ratify the list of PCPs. The presiding officer and secretary of the County Assembly shall file a certified list of the names and addresses, by precinct, of those persons elected as PCPs with the La Plata County Clerk and Recorder within four days after the date of the County Assembly.

h. The persons elected as PCPs at the caucus shall assume the office immediately following the caucus, and shall serve until his successor is duly elected or appointed and commences his term of office.

11.4 Precinct Changes. When the boundaries of an existing precinct are changed or a new precinct is created, the members of the Executive Committee shall select members to fill the vacancies for PCPs, as soon as possible, and preferably within 10 days.


SECTION 12.1. County assemblies shall be held not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) days after precinct caucuses held on the third Tuesday in March. If the Republican Party holds its precinct caucuses on the first Tuesday in February in a year in which a presidential election will be held, the County Assembly shall be held not less than fifteen (15) days nor more than forty (40) days after the precinct caucuses. The Executive Committee of the Central Committee shall fix the time and place of the Assembly, and shall determine the number of delegates and alternate delegates from each precinct to participate in the County Assembly pursuant to the procedure for the selection of delegates and alternate delegates contained in the State Republican Party Central Committee’s bylaws or rules. The persons receiving the highest number of votes at the precinct caucus shall be delegates to the County Assembly from the precinct. If two or more candidates receive an equal number of votes for the last available place in the election of delegates to the County Assembly at the precinct caucuses, or if three or more candidates receive an equal highest number of votes cast, the delegates shall be determined pursuant to these Bylaws in section 11.3.e. Except as otherwise provided under Colorado’s election laws, delegates to all other Republican Party Assemblies shall be selected by the respective County Assemblies from among the members of the County Assemblies pursuant to the State Republican Party Central Committee’s bylaws or rule.

SECTION 12.2. In determining the number of delegates from precincts which have been created or split since the previous general election, the Executive Committee for the Central Committee may allocate delegates based on the number of registered voters affiliated with the Republican Party, pursuant to the State Republican Party Central Committee’s bylaws or rules.

SECTION 12.3. All questions regarding the qualifications of any delegate or the conduct of any precinct caucus at which the delegates were voted on shall be determined by the credentials committees of the County Assembly, State Republican Party, county representative, and senatorial assemblies.

SECTION 12.4. As used in this section, “delegate” means a person who is a registered Republican elector, has been a resident of the precinct for thirty days prior to the caucus, and has been affiliated with the Republican Party for at least two months, as shown on the registration books of the La Plata County Clerk and Recorder; except that any registered Republican elector who has attained the age of eighteen years during the two months immediately preceding the caucus or any registered Republican elector who has become a naturalized citizen during the two months immediately preceding the caucus may be a delegate even though the elector has been affiliated with the Republican Party for less than two months as shown on the registration books of the La Plata County Clerk and Recorder. A delegate who moves from the precinct where registered during the twenty-nine days prior to any caucus shall become ineligible to serve as a delegate from that precinct.

SECTION 12.5. All La Plata County delegates to every state or congressional assembly or convention or any multi-county judicial, senatorial or representative assembly shall be elected only at an open county assembly or convention called and held for such a purpose.

SECTION 12.6. The county assembly and/or convention shall elect from among its members all delegates to every state or congressional assembly or convention, to any multi-county senatorial or representative assembly, and to every judicial assembly. A number of alternate delegates equal to the number of delegates shall also be elected.

a. Members

Members of the County Assembly and/or Convention shall mean all delegates and alternates physically present at the assembly and/or convention, having been elected at the precinct caucuses, or having been selected in accordance with these Bylaws.

An alternate may vote only in the absence of the delegate.

b. Delegates and alternate delegates to other assemblies and/or conventions

Except as otherwise provided under Colorado’s election laws and/or the bylaws or rules of the State Republican Party Central Committee, delegates and alternate delegates shall nominate themselves by placing their name in person upon a list, which shall be available for that purpose at the assembly.

Voting shall be by secret paper ballot for delegates and alternate delegates.

All candidates for delegate and/or alternate delegate must be physically present at the assembly where and when such voting is taking place.

The candidates shall be ranked in order of votes received with the top vote getters being elected as delegates, until state-allotted delegate positions are filled. The remainder of delegate candidates shall become alternate delegates using the same procedure until the alternate delegate list is filled.

SECTION 12.7. Voting in assemblies and/or conventions

a. No proxies shall be allowed or recognized in any assembly and/or convention.

b. Voting at the County Assembly and/or Convention shall allow no precinct to cast more votes than it has authorized delegates physically present and on the floor at the time the vote is taken.

c. What is commonly known as the “unit rule”, by which the entire vote of a delegation is cast according to the majority vote within that delegation, shall not be allowed.

d. Cumulative voting shall not be permitted (casting more than one vote for one candidate when multiple votes are allowed for the slate of candidates; for example, delegates to the State Assembly).

SECTION 12.8. The quorum at the County Assembly and/or Convention shall consist of those delegates physically present.

SECTION 12.9. From the convening of the County Assembly and/or Convention until its final adjournment the delegates in attendance shall have the power to determine controversies about the regularity of the party organization within any precinct and right to use the party name. The delegates in attendance may also provide rules that shall govern the County Assembly and /or Convention in determining such controversies. (Colorado Election Laws 1-3-105 and 1-3-106)


Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (as the same may be further revised or amended from time to time) shall govern the conduct of business at the Central Committee precinct caucuses and all committees authorized under theses Bylaws, whenever they are applicable and not inconsistent with these Bylaws or the bylaws of the Colorado State Republican Central Committee or the Colorado Election Laws. To the extent these Bylaws conflict with the bylaws of the Colorado State Republican Central Committee or the Colorado Election Laws (as the same may be amended from time to time), the bylaws of the Colorado State Republican Central Committee and the Colorado Election Laws shall control.


SECTION 14.1. These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Central Committee at which a quorum is present, by a two-thirds vote of the voting members of the Central Committee attending the meeting in person or by proxy, provided that the proposed amendment was first submitted to and approved by a Bylaws Committee for the Central Committee and included in the official call (defined in 7.3), and notice of the meeting sent to all of the voting members.

SECTION 14.2. If previous notice of a proposed amendment was not given in the call to the meeting, the unanimous consent of all La Plata County Republican Central Committee voting members present in person or by proxy at any meeting at which a quorum is present must be obtained before an amendment may be offered, approved, and adopted.