hopeschepp@gmail.com (970) 317-1995 434 Turner Dr, Ste 3, Durango, CO, 81303

Coloradans Show Up To Defend 
Their Constitutional Rights

(Colorado StateCapitol, April 19th, 2023) – Today, over 500 Coloradans from different backgrounds and communities around the state signed up to testify on House Bill 23-1230, the Democrat’s proposed “assault weapons” ban. The bill, which would regulate the sale and possession of almost all commonly owned firearms, has mobilized law-abiding Coloradans across the political spectrum to speak up and defend their rights. 

“The record numbers of Coloradans who have taken time out of their busy lives, to travel to their Capitol, to speak so passionately about their Second Amendment Rights is proof positive to how much these RIGHTS are valued and need defending in today’s environment,” said House Minority Leader Mike Lynch. “Self reliance and self protection are not limited to one political party. We all want to feel safe in our own homes and to have the means to keep those that we love safe from harm.”

Of those testifying, the ratio of Coloradans opposed to the bill versus those in support is 6 to 1, demonstrating a strong resistance to the proposed legislation. Colorado House Republicans have been vocal in their defense of the Second Amendment and their opposition to this radical bill.

“Colorado spoke up today, loud and clear, and told this legislative body to leave their constitutional rights alone,” said House Minority Leader Mike Lynch.

Listen to Testimony Here: https://sg001-harmony.sliq.net/00327/Harmony/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2/20230419/-1/14620